I have always forgotten to drink water. Yes, you read that right. Forgotten. There have been days when I have had less than a glass of water all through the day. Nothing happened to me. I was perfectly fine till the health issues started cropping up. It started with feeling lethargic and fatigued easily. It moved on to infections that refused to go. And when finally the doctor told me that if I wanted to be healthy, I BETTER DRINK water more regularly, I had to listen to him!
It was no rocket science and all I had to do was to ensure that I met the adequate requirements of drinking the necessary quantity of water everyday. If you face the same issues as I do, then read this post and you’ll know that it isn’t as difficult as it looks!
7 ways to increase water intake
1. This one is fairly simple. I have a bottle of water every place I haunt! The dining table, my work-desk, the table next to my bed, the table in the living room. Get the gist? I keep a bottle of water everywhere so that it is right there in front of me, screaming out loud, pick me up and take a sip!
2. Drinking just water all day long can get really boring, so add some flavours to it! Add some spice or chopped fruits in your next glass of water to get an added flavour and a unique taste to the water you drink.
3. Did you know that if you drink a glass of warm water the first thing in the morning, you are very likely to burn those extra calories? Isn’t that an incentive enough for you start drinking more water? Add a dash of lemon juice and a spoonful of organic honey to the warm water and you have an awesome flavoured drink that you will love!
4. Intake of fluids does not depend on water alone. Include foods rich in water content like raw salads that have lettuces, fruit salads filled with melons, apples, oranges and berries so that your body not just eats healthy food but also gets you to increase your water intake.
5. Drink a variety of fresh juices. coconut water, fresh lime water, seasonal fruit juices and smoothies are excellent ways to increase water intake and add that extra fluids in the diet. If you love your cup of tea or coffee, then try drinking it without adding any milk to it so that there is less fat in take.
6. If you are out shopping carry a bottle of water or buy a bottle of water to quench your thirst. Avoid drinking sodas and other caffeine rich drinks that are not good for your health. Stop buying the fizzy drinks and replace that place in your refrigerator with fruit juices.
7. Set a schedule – You know it is NOT as difficult as you think! Trust me! I kept this bottle aside on the kitchen platform with a promise that I drink it as soon as I woke up. Too me 10 days to remember that the bottle was there, but then it became a habit. Remember point no 1? Follow that and you’ll be amazed at the ways to increase water intake you can follow when you see a glass of water or a bottle of water staring at you!
These are some habits I have stuck to and I ensure that I meet at least the minimum requirements everyday. The end result is a benefit for me and my health. I feel healthy and I feel energetic, ready to tackle the boys and the work! What is your way to increase your water intake in your diet and your daily routine? Remember that sticking to the regime will make you healthy and keep you as well as the body hydrated. If you experience any discomfort, you should check with your doctor!
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*Most of the brands and products reviewed are what I have tried and tested and truly recommend! If it is a sponsored post, it is indicated. All Photographs are (C) Pratibha unless stated otherwise.*
It is not difficult but seriously most days, I never track the water intake at all! Not even Aarya’s! I am sure he drinks less and so do I. I really need to be more thoughtful about this and thanks for the reminder!
I had the same issues! Not tracking the water intake, but once you stick to a schedule, it really helps!
I always carry a bottle wid me! and try to keep it full!:D
I really need to do this. As it is, in a city like mine, you don’t feel thirsty at all 🙁