Its the monsoon season again and the cold and cough is surfacing again! It is the season for the illness to be hovering in the air! While you hope that the flu won’t strike at your home, but just in case it does, keep this natural vapor rub handy so that you can literally breathe a sigh of relief! When I did a search on how to make your own natural vapor rub, I was amazed at the results I saw and it was also nice to see that there are so many healthy and natural alternatives available.
Congestion can be a problem for babies and small children and can interfere with their ability to get a good nights sleep. This natural vapour rub that I make is safe for children above 4 years. But like I always say, check with your doctor if you can use it for your children and also if they have any allergies to the ingredients used.
How to Make Your Own Natural Vapor Rub
I have two recipes on how to make your own natural vapor rub. Yes. I totally make my own vapor rub and to be honest, I like mine much better than the chemical laden options available in the store. It’s non fussy and can be done in a matter of minutes. Not just that, it is cost efficient, lasts a long time and the best part is that it’s all natural.
I have two variants of making this vapor rub, if you are completely vegan choose the first option,or else you can look at the second option.
Vapor Rub Ingredients – Variant 1
- 1/2 cup virgin coconut oil
- 10 drops each of Eucalyptus Oil, Peppermint Oil, Lemon Oil and Lavender Oil.
Making the Vapor Rub
Blend all these ingredients with a hand-mixer till till oil begins to thicken a bit. Store it in an airtight container. Its best to store in a cool place and apply some on your warm and rub it before applying.
Vapor Rub Ingredients – Variant 2
This makes a medium sized jar of vapor rub.
- 1/2 cup virgin coconut oil/ olive oil / olive oil
- 2 tbsp of beeswax
- 10 drops each of Eucalyptus Oil, Lavender Oil, Peppermint Oil, Rosemary Oil and cinnamon/clove oil (omit rosemary for use on babies and small children)
Making the Vapor Rub
- Melt beeswax with the oil of your choice in a double boiler. Do not let it smoke or over boil. It should just have melted completely.
- Add all the essential oils (adjust accordingly if you are making it for children below 4 years).
- Use a wooden spoon to completely blend the oils. It will start to solidify so blend it quickly.
- Pour into tiny glass jars with lids. You can also pour it in chap stick holders to store it in your purse with no spills!
NOTE: If making this for babies or children under age six, make sure to use 100% natural and therapeutic essential oils that are safe for the children. And also use not more than 3 drops each of the mentioned essential oils. Do not use the rosemary oil for children below 4 years.
Want to experiment a bit, infuse the oils with real herbs and let it simmer in the oil for at least 2-3 hours in a double boiler. You needn’t use the beeswax in this option. Let the oils cool to room temperature. Remove the herbs and use a blender to whip the oil for a few minutes till it becomes slightly thick. Store in an airtight container.
Its best to stay away from nasties and harmful ingredients that are commonly found in most products available in the markets. Try this home-made version of natural vapour rub and you will just love it!
What are some of your tried and tested remedies to get rid of a congestion?
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*All of my reviews are based on my own personal experiences with the brand/products. If it is a sponsored post, it is indicated. Most of the brands and products reviewed are what I have tried and tested and truly recommend! All Photographs are (C) Pratibha unless stated otherwise.*
Wow, ye to.bahut easy hai, ghar ka bana hai to harmful bhi nahi hai, abhi bitiya n frnd ko bhejti hu ????????
This is much better and safer than Vicks. It’s best to go for a natural way. Great DIY.
Waaw,.. Nice DIY Natural Vapour Rub,… I take steam whenever I have to deal with congestion.. I have sinusitis, so taking steam relives the congestion to some extent,..