To say that I have been stalking the Krya page with the index finger at the refresh button at least dozen times a day is an understatement. Ever since they mentioned that they were going to launch a natural hair colour category, I was super excited. I finally had the option to cover the greys naturally. Its been almost a year since I stopped colouring my hair (except for the streaks of the red, greens and blues I indulged in). And I was looking forward to it.
My story on the Krya Natural Hair Colour Review is spread over a week. Why a week? Because I wanted to be doubly sure of how the Krya Natural Hair Colour was working for me. Before I start with the review, I need to let you know that I had been using colours laden with chemicals on my hair for more than 15 years. That is a background you need to keep in mind when you read my review.
My experience and learnings with the Krya Natural Hair Colour, a product that is going to be a game changer in the market for hair colours will resonate with you if you are ready to make that switch to natural options now.
Krya Natural Hair Colour Review
I chose the Midnight Black option because that promised the maximum grey coverage. With the greys that were overtaking the blacks, I knew this is what I wanted. After following the instructions to the T, (except that I didn’t have a shower cap to cover the hair), I washed off the colour and glanced at the mirror to see about 25% of grey coverage. I contacted Krya on chat and what followed were days of conversations and invaluable information that I have to share with you all.
Using the Krya Natural Hair Colour – my experience
The first time I applied the colour, there was only a 25% grey coverage which left me super disappointed. I was expecting 100% grey coverage. Isn’t that what the chemical options do too? Colour your hair completely?
Now, I was told there were three reasons that a 100% coverage did not happen:
- Too much chemical damage because of colouring the hair with the other colours.
- No dye uptake or slow dye uptake.
- It hadn’t been applied properly.
All three resonated with me but I steered more to the third option because I had self-applied the colour. In my excitement there were chances that the colour was not applied well.
On day 3, I reapplied the colour on my own (again!), this time using my fingers to section out the hair and apply evenly. When I washed off the hair, there was more grey coverage this time approximately 50% overall. That was still disappointing and I was asked to wait for at least 2 days for the color to oxidise completely so that we could know how much coverage has actually happened. Two days later, the coverage is close to 85 %. Yes, the colour picked up in a matter of 2 days.
Krya Natural Hair Colour – Things you should know
Why did it not work the first time was my question to Krya. If it can happen to me, it can happen to you too. And in my discussion with them, I realised a few points that I am sharing with you.
- If you have chemically treated your hair, the results will take time to show. Don’t expect complete grey coverage with one application. It took me more than two applications to get it right!
- Mixing the colour is important. For every one measure of colour you choose, take 1.5 measures of water to make the paste. (This is not mentioned in the leaflet as yet, but this is the closest measure that is likely to get the right consistency that is needed .)
- Use a shower cap so that the colour does not dry out and the process takes longer. The shower cap does not let the air come in contact with the natural hair, so it will not dry out faster.
- Reapply the colour at least 2-3 times if the greys haven’t covered well.
- Wait for 2 days for the colour to show up completely. Keep the colour on for at least 2 hours.
- You may or may not need the mask depending on your hair type, but since it conditions the hair really well, go for it.
- Safe for the skin, I applied the colour without any gloves with the bare hands and except for outlines of the nails that got coloured, the rest of the hands were absolutely clean.
- Read their blog post on how to transition from chemically coloured hair to a natural colouring option.
Chemically treated hair is likely to be slow to respond to the colour uptake. Even though I have stopped colouring my hair, the damage isn’t undone. I have spent 15 years experimenting with my hair. So if you have used chemicals extensively, chances are that the colour may not show immediately and will take a few reapplications for the same.
My take on the product
I was super excited to try the product and needless to say the excitement hit a major low when I did not get the results. But that is a thing of past. Applying the colour is easy. It is actually non fussy and does not drip if you have the right consistency.
The second time that I applied the product, my scalp felt really cool and there was no irritation and nor did my hair feel dry like it does when you apply henna. I used the mask a day after I applied the colour. Some of you may not need it because the texture of your hair will be just fine.
The pain point is the multiple reapplications to get the colour the first time (only if you have damaged hair). Patience is not one of my strong virtues and to have to reapply it multiple times is annoying, but then it basically boils down to one thing and that is undoing the damage. So if you have to reapply the product a few times, go ahead and do that. Depending on your hair growth, you will need to choose how often you can reapply colour to your hair.
Using the hair mask
The hair mask is required to retain the colour and nourish your hair and scalp. You can use it immediately or after a day of applying the colour. Apply it on washed and dry hair. Use the mask to as the first wash for your hair. If you can avoid a shampoo for one day it would be the best! It is not important to use the mask only if you have coloured your hair. You can use it just as a simple hair mask too condition your hair. Leave it on for not more than 20 minutes. This does not work as a shampoo if you have oiled your hair.
What’s in the Krya Natural Hair Colour ?
Herbs like Henna, Amla, Fenugreek, Manjishta and Khadira which are used in the Krya hair colours are excellent scalp and hair health restoring herbs. Khadira provides an excellent astringent and anti bacterial effect on the scalp bring the scalp’s pH to the right level where only symbiotic micro organisms are welcomed in the scalp, reducing fungal and bacterial attack on the hair. Amla is a scalp and hair health restoring herb promoting healing and regenerative effects. Brahmi is a wound healing and cell regenerative herb, helping restore life and strength to damaged scalp and hair. View the entire colour range here. There are more colours in the offing, but for now this is what they have.
You need to keep in mind that there has been years of chemical damage that you have done to your hair ( if you are like me! ). And that is going to take time to heal. Don’t expect a miracle overnight. The damage can be repaired at its likely to take a while.
Main Image Source is from Krya.
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*All of my reviews are based on my own personal experiences with the brand/products. If it is a sponsored post, it is indicated. Most of the brands and products reviewed are what I have tried and tested and truly recommend! All Photographs are (C) Pratibha unless stated otherwise.*
that was a really informative and detailed review!
Ye to bahut accha lag raha hai, plz iska price bataiye aur kahan se buy kar saktey hain ???? Available in 100 and 200 gms. 100 gms is 360. has the whole list
Very nice and detailed review…
People should remember that Rome was not built in a day ????
I love that comparison!
Hey how long does the color stays?? I have experienced indigo (which turns henna color deeper) fading away in 2-3 washes…
So far, so good. I have washed my hair at least 9 – 10 times till now. Its fading very slowly. I am expecting it last for more time though. I plan to completely using Krya prods for my hair so the result should last longer.
Hi Pratibha are you still using krya natural hair colour? If so can you please tell how is it now?
I have stopped colouring my hair 🙂
But do you find their products natural….
Yes I do. It’s been a while since I used their prods though.