With the continuous rains, it was but natural for the mosquitoes to be just there, buzzing around! And with two cranky boys complaining that they were locked at home wasn’t really helping stop the rains or the mosquitoes. While I do my best to keep the pests at bay by using EO’s in diffusers, dhoops and incense sticks at home, there is little that I can do when I have to go outside the house.
Whether it is a visit to a mall or just a walk around the park, these Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz bands came as huge huge respite. Priced at INR 399 for a set of two bands, these are available at Amazon. They currently have an offer of a free sipper with each band, so if you have a tot, make use of this offer. SafetyKart is your one stop shop for all safety related products not just for kids, but for everyone and everything. Safety tools for the industry, home, kids, men and women, they have it all.
Using Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz
Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz comes with an instruction manual, but what you need to do is wear it like wrist band or an ankle band. Puncture holes on the protruded portions depending on the desired level of action. I have one hole pierced in the bands and I use one band per boy because the mosquitoes are lesser where I stay, but they are there! I was a bit apprehensive about the fragrance of the product, as soon as I opened the package, the fragrance was slightly strong, but it lessened when kept in the open for a while. As a precautionary measure I wash the hands of my kids before and after they have used this.
Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz are certified safe for use by the dermatologists for kids over 3 years. An average use of 3 hours/ day will make this band last for almost a fortnight if stored in the plastic pouch when not in use.
Will I recommend this?
If you are thinking, “What? 400 bucks for 2 bands? And each lasts 15 days?” Stop that thinking and do the math instead. 400 INR over 30 days = A little over 13 INR/day to protect your child from illnesses. Is that too much? I would not think so!
So yes, a re-buy of Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz is certain and so is the recommendation. Slap it on the wrist or the ankles or use two bands at the same time if the mosquitoes are too many to protect your little one as they indulge in outdoor activities. The bands are coated with Citronella oil which acts as an excellent mosquito repellent. So take that precaution and use these mosquito bands that your kids will love to protect them against mosquito bites.
About the product
Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz are medically coated with Citronella oil & are 100% natural, Non Toxic and chemical free. Citronella oil in known to have aroma benefits which provides activating and warming qualities both physically and mentally. Every band has a special compartment that stores Citronella oil, aroma of which protects children when they are doing outdoor activates. These bands have been tested by a government certified external laboratory bases which they are certified safe for use by children. Mosquito Banditz are available in various animal characters like Froggy( Frog), Batty( Bat), Spidey (Spider) & Lizzy (Lizard).
Note: Product sent by PR for consideration. Buy them here.
heyy the bands look awesome ..gives a macho look to the smart brats !!
but its for only 3yr + na ? thats the sad part :(:(
I know, not advisable for babies 🙁 But it works pretty well! I am happy with it.
whr can i buy this?
You can buy this here http://www.safetykart.com/Products/All-Products-Baby–Child-Safety-Health-Skin-Safety-Mosquito-Repellent/Jungle-Magic/Jungle-Magic-Mosquito-Banditz/pid-3027371.aspx