Being a mom and caregiver is not easy. You are not only responsible for everyone’s well-being but also have to be an able knight, keeping your ears and eyes open for information and news especially when it pertains to medicines and their efficacy.
One morning, when my phone refused to stop buzzing, I opened it to see 150 unread messages on a mommy group I was a part of. Intrigued, when I opened it, all I saw were messages and concerns around this tablet Combiflam, how one person had read this one message that Combiflam is banned, and based on this one rumour, everyone was ready to hunt down every Combiflam strip in their house and throw it away.
Is Combiflam really banned?

I am someone who has used this tablet, without fear, for pain management in the past. So, to say I was concerned would be an understatement! I could completely relate with the panic on the group. Since it is my responsibility to keep the medicine cabinet stocked, I am also responsible for the medicines that enter my house. Reading about the intense fear in the group messages, I was almost about to follow suit and dump all my strips into the dustbin when I told myself to stop and think a minute.
We all know how WhatsApp and social media are notorious for spreading fake news and presenting one facet of the situation as ‘fact’ and ‘breaking news’ to the extent that sifting through the clutter becomes almost impossible. But I am armed with relevant resources, I decided to find out where this news that Combiflam is banned had come from and if there was any truth to it.
De-bunking myths about combiflam tablet

After reading a few articles that explained the situation I realized how the matter was twisted and turned to make it sensational.
I also found this video that explained how taking painkillers like Combiflam in their prescribed dosage was safe. The video further went on to explain that the news circulating on Facebook and WhatsApp was fake and everyone should read up on credible sources before coming to any conclusions.
I also went to confirm with my trusted neighbourhood chemist again who confirmed that Combiflam is safe and available on prescription.
I shared my newfound & verified information in the group and asked the person who had started the entire debate where she had got her information. And she said it was a WhatsApp forward she had read on her family group. I have also, like the current WhatsApp campaign, asked people in the group not to spread rumours and pass on information without verifying it.
I am just glad that I did not let this random viral news spoil my medicine cabinet & also of other friends and family members. All I can tell you is to be aware and use the resources at hand – internet, doctors, pharmacists, etc. – before believing what you read on WhatsApp and social media.
Such a shame that pretty regular things in life get questioned because of fake news. I swear by Combiflam, and am so glad that it is safe to use
Me too
This is quite helpful and informative. It’s hard to believe that there still are people who believe in rumours without verification. And yes, any medicine should be taken only after proper prescription.
Exactly. A med without prescription is not advisable. It is not something that you just pop in and forget! As for rumors, that will make enough posts to last a year on the blog!
We haave been using Combiflam for a very long time and have never heard any doctor saying dont use its banned. I wonder why people have to spread false rumours!
Spreading the rumour and circulating it so that it reaches more people! That is the crazy part. And then you have the same message buzzing around from everywhere!
Thanks for clearing the misconceptions. My mom is using it for pain management and it has given great results.
I am so glad that you did not succumb to the rumours!
This whole whatsapp rumors are actually hazardous when they enter the health information in public domain.
Informatie piece
Such a nicely explained post.
I swear by combiflam.
So do I! Its been a lifesaver!