The past few weeks have seen so much hair-fall that it scared the living daylights out of me. I half expected that I was ready to get bald. The health issues were taking a terrible impact and I was looking for a solution, when Pushtiie came up with the idea of writing a post on hair care and I readily agreed because it would help not just me but the readers of my blog! And so here she is with her easy recipe and sure shot solution that can take care of your tresses. Click here to read her first post.
Pushtiie is back with the second post on my blog. This time it if for the much dreaded issue that most of us face, hair-fall! She is a powerhouse of solutions. I need to just turn to her with any woes and she makes everything seem so simple! Her remedies are easy to make and extremely effective.
She is a healer, a reader, reiki master, writer, soap maker and more. She is a wonderful person to be with, who ushers in loads of happiness and positivity in my life! There are a lot of things that she loves to dabble in and the list is exhausting! Let me welcome, Pushtiie, yet again with her post for my blog. Connect with her on Facebook. Here she is with a simple yet effective recipe that can help you keep your hair healthy.
The Aroma Therapy Hair Fall Prevention Potion from my bag of fragrant goodies. Before we discuss that I just wanted to mention something, washing your hair every day during summer or the rainy season with a light shampoo and gentle conditioner that is free of SLS and parabens, will not really harm it. It will keep it clean and the pores will remain tighter preventing hair fall. Plus if you can use really chilled water for one last rinse it will just lock those roots right in.
Getting back to the hair fall prevention solution, I devised this easy way that not just keeps the scalp non greasy but also nourished it with the required oils. Ready to make it?
Hair Fall Prevention Potion
What you need
- Clinical Spirit {Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol USP} – 50 ml
- Lavender Essential Oil – 8 drops
- Rosemary Essential Oil – 10 drops
- Cedarwood Essential Oil – 9 drops
- Jethamasi/Clary Sage Essential Oil – 3 drops
- Bay Essential Oil – 5 drops
- An amber glass bottle
Getting the Hair Fall Prevention Potion ready
Pour the 50 ml of the Clinical Spirit in a clean and dry amber glass bottle. Actually any dark tinted bottle would do! Now add the essential oils drop by drop and ensure that you mix the solution after you have added each drop. If you added one drop of the lavender EO, mix it and then add a drop of another EO and mix and so on. Once you have added all the oils, cap the container and swirl it in a clock wise direction to mix and let it blend completely. The Clinical Spirit could get a little cloudy now.
How to use the Hair Fall Prevention Potion
To prepare for the application get yourself an ear bud. Part the hair right at the centre of the head, making two sections. Be ready to make smaller sections as you go along. It is important to be able to reach the scalp. Now shake the potion well and dip a side of the bud in it letting the cotton fully absorb the liquid. Rub it into the scalp at the parting feeling the dampness. If instinct says you need two rubs at the spot, go for it. After the centre, decide on one side and make smaller sections to rub it into the scalp more completely. Step by step cover the entire scalp. Let the solution dry naturally. The spirit will slowly evaporate, leaving the oils to nourish your scalp.
Avoid touching the scalp while it is still damp. This should leave the hair fresh and non-greasy. You can use this potion up to twice a day if you have extremely dry hair. You need to use this only after the hair has beem washed and dried completely.
You can use it in the morning and the evening just before you sleep so that the oils can work on your tresses keeping them healthy and beautiful. Be careful to avoid contact with the eyes.
IMPORTANT: Essential Oils have a very strong effect on skin and are not to be used without a base of oil/gel/water. The number of drops to make this product are very specific as they are used to balance the notes in the oils. Please stay safe while making these products.
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*All of my reviews are based on my own personal experiences with the brand/products. If it is a sponsored post, it is indicated. Most of the brands and products reviewed are what I have tried and tested and truly recommend! All Photographs are (C) Pratibha unless stated otherwise.*
I didn’t know Pushtiie blogs! Loved her in Mahi Way, sorry I could not resist and of course thank you so much for sharing her post. 😀
Dearest Deepika 🙂
Heheheh I do a bit more then just act 😛
I am glad you enjoined the post 🙂
Much Love and Light
Pushtiie ~*~