It is necessary to understand that just as you have to pay attention to which essential oils are safe for children, you need to ensure that you use them in the correct manner. In this post, I’ll tell you the different ways to use essential oil for kids. MUST READ: HOW TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS […]
Healing Properties of Basil Essential Oil
Basil essential oil is actually steam distilled from fresh basil leaves, stems, and flowers to form an extract that contains high levels of antioxidants. The aromas is soothing and helps to calm a tired mind and soul. There are many healing properties of basil essential oil. Right from soothing the mind, to refreshing a tired […]
20 DIY Christmas Ornaments to make with your Kids
One of the most enjoyable parts of Christmas decorating has got to be, without a doubt, the tree! It’s the perfect opportunity for the whole family to get together. For the rest of the season, the decorated tree is a reminder of what we can achieve when we work together! If you are a DIY […]
10 Essential oil remedies for kids
Essential oils when used in the purest form can work wonders! I was introduced to the world of essential oils more than a decade ago, and ever since there has been no looking back. Essential oils can be used by and for adults as well as children. When my motherhood instincts became stronger, I started […]
7 different ways to reuse a baby cot
Do you have an unused baby cot lying at your home? Whether your little one is not so little anymore or doesn’t use the baby cot, before you decide to discard it, look at some different ways to reuse a baby cot. My boys used their baby cot quite a bit and it was made […]
How to Make Your Own Natural Vapor Rub
Its the monsoon season again and the cold and cough is surfacing again! It is the season for the illness to be hovering in the air! While you hope that the flu won’t strike at your home, but just in case it does, keep this natural vapor rub handy so that you can literally breathe […]
10 Monsoon Health Tips for Babies
It is a well known fact that the arrival of the monsoons also means the start of illnesses, ranging from a basic cold to serious conditions like dengue. And if adults become more vulnerable to these during the rains, the risk is much higher for babies, whose immune systems are still developing. Besides, babies get […]